MMORPG with ultimate graphics for Smartphones 「AVABEL ONLINE」


    3/19:Update Information/版本更新情報
    (3/19 14:15)
    Regular maintenance ended on 3/19 14:15
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    We have updated to details below from maintenance on 3/19

    We will conduct Regular maintenance for the below dates.

    Correspondence Details
    Update Information Details
    Tower Scramble Related ▼The status of each Tower's “Gate”, “Core”, and “Guardian” will be adjusted to match the current environment.
    Guild Related ▼The status of “Guild Guardian” will be adjusted to match the current environment.
     ・Due to this adjustment, the status of “Guild Guardian” will be reset.

    ▼The level cap for “Guild Guardian” will be 1000.
    Item Related ▼The name of “Attribute Evolution Ore” will be changed to “Magatama Evolution Ore”.

    ▼The following item conversions will take place.
     ・Time Seed → Gangue Piece
     ・Time Flower → Gangue Piece
     ・Time Fruit → Gangue Piece
     ・Rainbow Seed → Gangue Piece
     ・Rainbow Flower → Gangue Piece
     ・Rainbow Fruit → Gangue Piece
     ・Rare Seed → Gangue Piece
     ・Rare Flower → Gangue Piece
     ・Rare Fruit → Gangue Piece
     ・Sprout of Hope → Evolution Gangue
     ・Pet Breeding BOX → Evolution Gangue×2
    Pet Breeding BOX Related ▼The purchased amount of “Gold” will be returned to characters who purchased “Pet Breeding BOX” after the maintenance announcement on March 4, 2025.
     ※Gold will be returned in the form of a “Gold Ticket” equivalent to the amount.
     ※You can earn gold by using “Gold Ticket”.
    Changing the ZENITH CLASH ▼The ZENITH CLASH will be changed from “Floating continent” to “Waterfall”.
    Changes to the Revere map ▼The map will return to the original version.
      Opening Events

    Issues to be fixed Details
    Attribute magatama correction Fixed a bug where some evolution materials for attribute magatama were changed to “Element Arms Evolution Ore”
    Fixed avatar decoration Fixed a bug where the avatar could not be equipped to “Accessory 3 and 4” of “avatar decoration 1”
    Fixing Carry-over Fixed a bug where “Carry-over” could not be performed
    Completed Details
    White Day Event ~JST:2025/3/19 13:59
    Forging Room ~JST:2025/3/19 13:59
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    (3/19 14:15追记)
    定期维护已于3/19 14:15结束

    版本更新信息 详情
    攻塔战相关 ▼每个塔的“门”、“核”和“守护兽”的状态将根据当前环境进行调整。
    公会相关 ▼“公会守护兽”的状态将根据当前环境进行调整。

    道具相关 ▼“属性进化矿石”的名称将更改为“勾玉进化矿石”。

     ・时间之种 → 脉石碎片
     ・时间小花 → 脉石碎片
     ・时间果实 → 脉石碎片
     ・彩虹之种 → 脉石碎片
     ・彩虹小花 → 脉石碎片
     ・彩虹果实 → 脉石碎片
     ・稀异之种 → 脉石碎片
     ・稀异小花 → 脉石碎片
     ・稀异果实 → 脉石碎片
     ・希望的新芽 → 进化的脉石
     ・宠物育成箱 → 进化的脉石×2
    宠物育成箱相关 ▼2025年3月4日维护公告后,购买“宠物育成箱”的角色将返还购买的“金子”。
    苍穹争霸变更 ▼苍穹争霸由“浮游大陆”变更为“水流”。
    里卫依鲁地图变更 ▼地图变回普通版本。

    异常现象修正 详情
    属性勾玉修正 修复了部分属性勾玉进化材料变更为“元素武器进化矿石”的问题
    头像装饰修正 修复了头像无法装备到“头像装饰1”的“装饰品3和4”的错误
    继承修正 修复了无法进行“继承”的错误
    修正完毕 詳情
    白色情人节活动 ~JST:2025/3/19 13:59
    锻造室 ~JST:2025/3/19 13:59

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