MMORPG with ultimate graphics for Smartphones 「AVABEL ONLINE」


    1/8:Notice for adjustments for skills/调整技能公告
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Details for Applicable
    Ranger type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Sagittarii Bullet Storm HITs decrease
    Creator type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Generator Swing Roll Cuts enchanting speed
    Morten Strike HITs decrease
    Element Rizing HITs decrease
    Weather Change Changed elements to Water、Power Decrease
    Scholar Weather Change Changed elements to Water、Power Decrease
    Lapidary Weather Change Changed elements to Water、Power Decrease

    *The description for "Weather Change" is written as Water Element skill, but since the Water Element wasn't added, we have fixed it to be added
    Magician type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Caster Storm’s Rage HITs decrease
    Chaos Explosion HITs decrease
    Acolyte type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Messiah Gale Attack HITs decrease
    Wanderer type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Odin Scene of Fire HITs decrease
    Cerulean Elegeia HITs decrease
    Infinity Rush HITs decrease
    Rogue type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Abyss Insanity Power Decrease

    There will be adjustments in the future to make the process lighter and for balancing. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    感谢您一直以来对「阿瓦贝尔战纪 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    穿杨射手 狂弹风暴 HIT次数减少
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    製造大亨 迴旋进击 咏唱速度缩短
    熔铸爆击 HIT次数减少
    元素提升 HIT次数减少
    气象变化 属性变更为水属性、威力減
    学者 气象变化 属性变更为水属性、威力減
    晶石大师 气象变化 属性变更为水属性、威力減

    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    大贤者 风暴之怒 HIT次数减少
    浑噩炸裂 HIT次数减少
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    弥赛亚 烈风瞬击 HIT次数减少
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    奥丁 红色景象 HIT次数减少
    水色挽歌 HIT次数减少
    无限穿刺 HIT次数减少
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    深渊杀手 狂乱 威力減


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